Witch Tip: Spellcasting Shortcut--Ritual Arangement

Author: Quill / Labels: , ,

Sometimes all you really need is some uninterrupted focus on a topic, and everything will turn out in your favor. This what you are doing when you create an arranged space.

Here we're talking about making room on a shelf, on your everyday altar, or on a special zone set up just for this purpose. Put all things related to the topic on that table as well as a hefty dose of items which are lucky for it and which work in favor of your goals. I like mixing in a few colored papers with positive messages on them and some auspicious tarot cards.

Move everything around until it looks and feels done. I know that I've seen such instructions in books and I've shuddered, but I can say that you will indeed know when it's done. Leave this layout untouched for a week. Take stock at that time. How are things progressing? Need more influence? A bigger push? Add some compelling herbs. Want to smooth things over and let them settle a bit? Change the color scheme to reflect a calmer atmosphere for the work.

Don't actually do a spell.  Let the casting be in the movement and setting of the space. Put all your energy into that and not into words or thoughts. Just allow the space itself to do the work.

You may be surprised at what happens.


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