Witch Tips--Charm: Summoning Spell

Author: Quill / Labels: ,

This week's Witch Tip is a little devious but a lot of fun!

I offer you this original charm to summon any person you desire to come to you, contact you, or otherwise passionately persue you.  It's a little something from the back of one of my own spellbooks that I would like to share now for the first time anywhere for your pleasure and progress.

A Passionate Summoning Charm

Think of me earnestly:
Where I am, you wish to be.
And my voice you long to hear,
Desiring more to breathe my air.
And greater still, an hour spent
Submerged in my warmth, my stirring scent.
Your senses wake and your heartstrings thrum.
You hear my call and now you come, come, come!

Quick Link--Everyday Sigils

Author: Quill / Labels:

In keeping with the techniques we touched on last week, I would like to share with you this site that is both witty and useful.  

As you well know, I don't reserve magic for special occasions like your mother with the good china.  Nope, I want to bring it out for all events, big and small.  Can't find my glasses?  Magic.  Need to get a "yes" from someone?  Magic.  Want dinner to be extra delicious?  Magic.  It works for everything and using it for everything makes you a stronger caster.

Some of these "everyday sigils" are comedic ( such as "My Hot Pocket will cook evenly"), some are obscure ("My parents will not walk in on me activating this sigil"), but all are thought-provoking and full of potential.  Try some today!

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