Witch Tip--Useful Herbs: Celandine

Author: Quill / Labels: ,

Maybe you've mistook this plant for another more famous summertime yellow flower, St. John's Wort.  Maybe you were sad that it wasn't a magical, mystical herb.  Well, you were wrong, sister!

Celandine is one of my very favorite herbs for one simple reason--it gives you get up and go!  I've never seen any spell component more inspiring to the uninspired, more energising to the lethargic, more steadfast to the worn out souls who just don't think they can go any further.

Make an infused oil from Celandine and use it to dress a candle that has been carved with your name and the aspect of your life that needs a boost.  Give it some power, let it burn, and then watch out!  You'll be amazed at how you suddenly have the energy and interest to get all those items scratched off your to-do list.  Just remember not to fight it or question it; this is exactly what you wanted--and needed!

Quick Link--Printable BoS Pages

Author: Quill / Labels:

Printable Book of Shadows Pages

Sooo, I'm doing a lot of printables lately, but it's only to show that you can find good information and have nice things without spending a lot of money.  I'm a firm believer that it's quite possible to have a rich magical life without going too far into the commercial aspect of witchcraft.  I've known witches who brag about their room full of purchased items they barely know how to use and shelves of books they've never read, but I've alo known many who stocked up on cheap, flimsy things at the Dollar Store and considered themselves brilliant.  Both are terrible ideas.

It's true that shopping for nice gear is fun.  I like to scout the shops as much as anyone else, but the possession of those items isn't enough to really make you feel it.  I would rather be out in the woods, digging roots and scrubbing the dirt from old bones than flipping through online shops and adding pretty things to my virtual shopping cart.  I believe that the connection is what makes your magic come alive.

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