Witch Tip: Unpleasant Truths--Flakes

Author: Quill / Labels: ,

Flakiness exists in every subculture. There's always going to be that set of people who just seem to float from place to place, ideology to aesthetic, without any real ties to any of it. Such is the way for the ones who inhabit the magical community.

Just what are we talking about when we say "flakes" or "phonies" or "fake witches"? Usually, when that kind of language is thrown around--and generally, with as much venom as possible-- the individual in question displays one or more of the following qualities:

  • False knowledge or no knowledge
  • Pretentious behavior
  • Unwillingness to commit to a coven's expectations
  • Free-will taken to a selfish degree
  • Carefree turning to carelessness

It scares us that we are surrounded by--and possibly are just such a one ourselves--people of no substance.

That happens, folks.

We need to come to terms with that. What means anything now is what we do with that knowledge. Stop acting like flakes are going to be anything but. It's okay. That's what they do; they're going to let you down, they'll tell you flimsy lies, they'll give you the runaround about the smallest, dumbest things. But that's what you should expect of any flake, not just the magical ones.

Because the magical community loves its autonomy and self-directed paths, we're dealing with a fair amount of them. Because we deal with outcomes that don't have a direct physical correlation to the work we put in, they can say a lot before we realize that they know nothing. But that doesn't mean that we should spend all our energy decrying them.

I've had coven-mates who were flakes. One was a glorious example of what not to be, and the rest of the coven was bolstered by it. We were stronger before this person was booted out. Sometimes, an in-group is given its strength by the existence of an out-group.

I've met with new people who did their level best to snow me into being impressed by them, even to the point of later telling everyone that I had begged them to teach me, which was ridiculously false.

But that's not the thrust of what I do, not then and not today. I am a stronger witch based on the storms that I've weathered, the troubles I've endured, the problems I've solved, and--yes--the flakes I've suffered and from which I've drawn wisdom.

So feel free to kick them out, to turn away every flake and every false witch if you feel so compelled. But stop acting like there won't be two more on the way. Instead, get smart, get tough, be firm, turn away from what is wrong for you and for your coven. But then let it die. Don't worry over it. Don't barrage others with expectations of eradicating them totally.

It just can't happen.


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