Witch Tip--Easy Herb: Cloves

Author: Quill / Labels: ,

It would appear that the spicy little clove bud has a contentious following; folks seem to either love it or hate it.  Either it's a sprightly reminder of home baking, childhood security, and family togetherness or it's headaches, pungent bitterness, and nausea.

Of course, this doesn't stop that little herb from being a fantastic staple to your magical supplies.  If you are part of the die-cloves-die camp, you might be able to soften their scent--but not their influence--by tempering clove with other additions while the rest of us enjoy them straight-up!

Whole clove buds are set on fire in the flame of a candle and wafted over the head of a person who is potentially cursed.  If a clove bursts, that person has had a curse put upon them.  If the loud pop makes them jump or twitch, the curse is broken.

Cloves, mint, rosemary, and eucalyptus are mixed,  simmered in a fatty substance, and then the ointment is rubbed between the fingers and inhaled to clear one's head and instill fresh focus.

They are also linked with peace of mind, tranquility, friendships, and keeping bonds close.  For this you can carry them in your pocket or matching conjure bags to be shared between you and a loved one.

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