New Mini-Series! Magical "Fanfic"ing Non-Fiction

Author: Quill / Labels: , ,

After a rousing discussion on the endless   friend of mine at work presented me with an interesting concept: anything can be turned into fanfiction.  When I noted that I only write non-fiction, she doubled down on her statement.  She could most certainly--given time and a quiet room--create fanficton even from writing which has no characters and no narrative.  Wow.  Those are strong words and I ruminated over that idea for a long time.  I might just take her up on that, actually.

But now I think I understand how I can do something in a similar way, though I be only a non-fic reader and writer; I will give the same treatment to morph non-magical articles into magical ones.  So, in honor of the person who presented the idea to me, Melanie, and the workplace we share, I'll be using one of our company newsletters as the basis for the next few weekly articles.  While the origins of each of them are purely mundane, the information I add to them is all witchcraft!  Enjoy!

4 Tips to Make Spell Planning Easier

Planning spells ahead of time means that you get the optimum associations while panicking less over the major issues in your life.  You can make this the quickest part of your magical arrangements with the use of these easy suggestions.

Tip 1: Gather a Wide Array of Spells

The best way to be prepared is to have plenty of options.  Read lots of spellbooks; keep an exemplary collection and read it thoroughly.  If you can do this, you'll have plenty of ways to deal with any situation that may arise.  As you read through each book, take note of spells which address the kind of problems you're likely to have.  Keep these notes organized and ready to use, should you have need of them.

Tip 2: Maintain Regular Planning

Once a month (or more, depending on your style), take some time to check in on your life and goals. 
Write out the ideal of each of these problems/opportunities and use that information to choose spells
to cast in the coming month.  

Small steps can make this more efficient.  For example, arrange the things you want to cast for in columns based on the moon phase which has rulership over that issue.  From there you can decide what sign would best serve it.  This list can then be used as a guide when marking the spells in your almanac.

Tip 3: Make Ahead Some "Anytime" Magic, Too

As you know, I love making and using formulas.  This is because they only really need timed when they are made; it is much less important what is going on while they're being used. 
Things like formulas, spoken charms, sigils, and talismans are the "snacks" of magic.  You can grab
them on your way out the door, keep them handy just in case you find yourself without any downtime that day, and use them as a minor stepping stone on the way to a greater goal. 

When you find yourself flush with spare time on a good moon (and it does happen occasionally), make some formulas, write out some seals or charms--do something that you will find useful at a later date.  It will matter.

Tip 4: Keep a Calendar Only for Magic

Whether you use an almanac, set alarms on your computer or other device, or just jot down your plans on a wall calendar or datebook, maintaining the witch side of your life in a dedicated way will make things easier and more orderly. 

If your favorite method doesn't include enough information for detailed timing, try adding these free online resources: 

Lunarium (especially good for moon phase and sign for any given date) (sunrise and sunset times for working with planetary hours, plus customizable and printable moon calendars)

And if you'd like to really go in style, check out these amazing items from across the pond:

Images from:
Shwellness Summer 2016 (edited by Andrea Rogers)


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