Stop and Read This Before You Go Pro!

Author: Quill / Labels: ,

You've decided to become a professional spellcaster.  You have it all planned out with books and components, and you've logged tons of experience to handle any client's concerns.  Believe it or not--you are not ready!

A lot goes into building a business and, yes, you're about to enter the world of business.  For that you will need to bring some real planning to the table if you hope to see your work prosper.  Being both a professional witch and a business owner, I have a bit of a unique take on how the two collide.  Today, I'm going to break down some simple ways to make your time as a witch for hire as powerful, profitable, and pleasant as possible.  

Know Your Clientele

In business, this could not be more important.  Not only does your customer want to feel like you care, but you really do have to understand their needs if you're going to stay in business.  In a highly personal arrangement such as pro spellcasting, you will have to show calm, discretion, professionalism, and knowledge.  Then just listen to them explain the problem and pick out the places where magic can work to its fullest.

I've noted many times that the two most requested spells I get are love spells and curses.  That's what I know to be true of my area and my clients; you own may be different.  Find out!  Before you begin, ask people you trust what they would consider their number one concern at the moment.  Ask co-workers and other acquaintances in a light-hearted way what they would ask for if, say, a genie was to grant them one wish.  Write all this down.

When you feel that you know the kind of magic your clients will request, start accounting for other factors such as age and gender.  Find out what kinds of "witchy" things they find most interesting in general (for me, it's candles) and which are scary to outsiders (anything with blood!).  This may not sound important, but all these things can be a factor in making you and your offerings appealing.

Stock Up on Ready-Made Magic

People don't like handing over money with no guarantee of a return on that investment.  Online shopping is popular today but it would be far less so if shoppers didn't get receipts, tracking numbers, and contact information with the Better Business Bureau! 

But remember that a witch's customers are often without that luxury.  I am proud to say that I have an unblemished reputation with Quill's Occult Supply for shipping promptly, securely, and with all pecautions taken to ensure that your pakage arrives safely. 
But what can your face-to-face clients get to make them feel safe leaving you with a handful of cash?  Give them something to take.  When your doctor hands you a prescription, you feel alright but when he also gives you samples to use right away, you relax completely knowing that your problem is over as of now.  That's the feeling you want your customer to take away: "This is being handled and I have proof."
Your best bet is to make a good supply of easy-to-use magical items ahead of time and have them at hand any time you're consulting with a client.  Talismans, empowered sigils, spell candles, and small bottles of formulas should be in your starter kit.  Decide from there what kinds of items give the most comfort to different kinds of clients.

Be Ready to Speak Some Harsh Truths

You don't believe in casting love spells?  You will have to say so.  Heard all you can stand and are not interested in helping?  Speak up immeditely.  Is the problem actually the client's fault?  Don't mince words. 

As a person of wisdom, part of what clients will come seeking is a different level of honesty than they can get in the outside world.  While they may think they're ready--or perhaps that you'll only dig into the shortcomings of others and not their own--they won't actually be thrilled to hear you talk about certain things.  You can frame your thoughts any way you like but sooner or later,  you will have to just say what they don't want to hear.   Be firm and don't let them change your mind.

This is especially important if you do tarot readings as part of consultations.  Some clients love to try and rewrite history, but you can't let them.  Learn straightforward methods for handling confrontation and use it every time this sort of thing comes up.  To retain your standing, you must never submit to being pushed around.

Know Your Style

This is your business--make it your own!  It's good not only for your comfort but for the customer's too to be able to recognize a bit of the type of person you are in your advertising, your working hours, the clothes you wear, the space you use for consultations, the types of items they receive, the divination tools you use, the types of spells you cast, etc.  Show them a little of your personality in everything. 

Here we have the essence of brand building.  When you have a strong brand, customers recognize your name and have a feeling associated with it and with your work.  No business, large or small, could ask for more than that.

Get a Handle on Confrontation

I've heard my share of complaints that I charge cash for my work.  When I offer a barter arrangement instead, I've been accused of being cheap.  Either way, my honor was being challenged and the one doing it only did so to either unnerve me, get something for free, or both. 

Be forewarned: you might have to speak sharply to those who approach you about your business.  Know what you're about before they even twitch their lips, and you'll do fine.  What's your stance on magic as an evil enterprise by the devil?  How about being called a fraud?  What would be your response to cold laughter when someone spies your advertisement?  Can you handle it?  Do you know what you'll say and when to say it?  If not, take some time right now to consider this very important issue.

It's been my experience that a witch is in the business of creating change, not making converts, so feel free to completely ignore all attitudes and comments meant to force you into defnding your practice.  Naturally, no one makes a piano teacher or baseball coach produce a free pile of evidence before engaging them for their services; the same should be said of the professional caster.  Be honest and straightforward with potential clients, note what you can and cannot accomplish for them, and then allow them to make their decision. 

This is where you are at your liberty to shut down conversations and tell the individual that neither they nor their disrespect are welcome to your business.  Be calm, polite, and firm; with this to arm you, no one can say they were treated badly, only that they behaved badly.

Of course, all of this might completly go against the way you handle confrontation.  Do what feels natural to you and what respects your practice.  Just remember that you are a business and you will be expected to act like a professional.  Do your best to decide ahead of time just what that looks like.

With this brief list to guide you, I am confident that you will quickly build a firm foudation upon which you can arrange your professional magical practice.  I suggest keeping a notebook for writing down questions and concerns as they come, and entering the answers as soon as they are discovered. 

Talking to other casters is a great source of such information and this is especially easy online.  Check witchcraft based social media or local organizations and pose your questions to anyone who seems able to help.  Doing so will prevent you from suffering from the same troubles and setbacks that so many of us have endured on our way to a thriving business in the ever changing, ever desirable world of professional practical magic.

Images from:

"A Visit to the Witch" Edward Frederick Brewtnall (British, 1846-1902).


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