37 Wise Words for Witches

Author: Quill / Labels:

It has been nearly 20 years since I opened my first spellbook and in the intervening time, I've picked
up a few choice pieces of advice and I have compiled them here, in the simplest words, for your illumination.  Some of what I felt very strongly about in the early years have faded with time, others are only now growing bold.  Some of these lessons are a bit of wormwood, others are more honey.  

Naturally, I'm aware that there is nothing in the world so coveted as good advice, nor anything so quickly ignored.  So do with this what you will, only don't bother me with abstract philosophy or rules of a tradition.  All of these thoughts I have not only contemplated but have lived.

1.  Don't buy tools based on a good story.

2.  Don't speak ill of other practices purely because they're different.  We are, before anything else, a community.

3.  Other practitioners' identities are their own secret, even if they are open about it.  Don't give out information about others to outsiders.

4. Test all magical rules for yourself.

5.  Don't brag about work that hasn't manifested yet.

6.  Don't bring up in an argument the help you've given others.  It's tacky and makes you look weak.

7.  Keep the best records you can; you will forget the details.

8.  Make your Book of Shadows your own unique creation.  You'll want to look back on it in the years to come, so don't bore your future self.

9.  Spellcasters are allowed to cast whatever spells they wish.  No one has to consult you or your beliefs.

10. If things are going wrong for you--uncross.  Even if you don't have a bunch of enemies, even if you haven't wronged anyone lately, even if you don't think you're cursed, uncross.  Never wait!

11. Don't badmouth an initiation after it's over.  That is the way it happened and it was perfect in the initiate's mind.

12. Assume that at least some of the other practitioerns you meet might cast against you.  This is real.  Sometimes you desere it, sometimes not.  Protect yourself. 

13. Never dress up the truth for your BoS.

14. Have interesting topics ready to talk about before you meet other practitioners for the first time.  There's nothing worse than neding up with a bore (or being a bore) after the excitement of fresh potential.

15. Carry one form of divination on your person at all times.  It doesn't matter what it is; you will need it.

16. Keep group records.

17. Take photos of you and others doing magic.  Take coven photos.

18. You only need one really great or expensive tool.  Don't bother shelling out for more.

19. Remember your failures as well as your successes.

20. Relax about Karma.  Westerners have it wrong and magic-users have it really wrong.

21. When you sell, sell properly.  Offer high quality goods and spells at a fair price.  Don't be talked into giving magic away for free (or dirt cheap) against your will. 

22. Buy from reputible sellers.  Don't skimp if it's important or you need it to last.

23. Feed your covenmates.  Always bring food to a ritual or meeting, always provide food at your own.

24. Know who you're summoning.  Spirits, Gods, demons--they're not archetypes, their individuals.  Pronounce their names right, know their favorite things.

25. Don't wear trashy clothes to rituals and meetings.  That applies to pajama pants, comedy tee shirts, or branded caps.  Grow up, guys.

26. Always have a reason why for your work; take time to understand those of others.  Even those casting horrible curses are often honorable people with good reasons.

27. Be respectful to elders, authors, and anyone bearing a title (even if you doubt its merit).  It's likely they have been places you only dream of.

28. Use the name a person gives you upon introduction, even if you know their "street name" from some other association, even if they call themselves "Moonflower WhisperWind."

29.  Don't leave things behind when you're done with an outdoor ritual or spellcasting.  Pick up everything, even your wax drips.  You're no litterbug and, no, people won't see it and think something intriguing has been going on. 

30. Don't share coven business or coven problems with non-members.

31. Carry yourself with pride but be equally ready to laugh at yourself.

32. Don't waste your time in the company of other practitioners by badmouthing other religious views or "normal" people. 

33. Settle community disputes as quickly as possible.  There's already not a lot holding us together.

34. No one ever regrets putting too much info into their BoS, too much energy into a spell, or too much planning into an event.  Give it your all for everything, every time.

35. Magic needs more beautiful things.  Don't simplify--beautify.

36. Some of the stuff in magical shops is just rebranded junk; freebie spells are the same.  Choose whom you trust with care.

37. Always have a plan for what's next.  If you do this, you will continue to grow wiser, more indistrious, more successful, more experienced, and more fulfilled.

Image from:

"The Truth" by Jules Joseph Lefebvre 1870


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