Witch Tip--Formula: Water of Notre Dame

Author: Quill / Labels: ,

There's nothing that pleases me more than having a cupboard full of formulas.  I have a collection of about 90 kinds of powders, oils, tinctures, and incenses, and all of them--except about 3--are homemade by me.  Yes, I am bragging.

So it's no surprise that I have favorites that must be kept on hand at all times, no matter how simple or complicated their formulation.  Water of Notre Dame is one of them.

Oddly enough, it's also one that is both simple and complicated because there seems to be a greater than average number of opinions about how it should be made.  When the water was first introduced to the public as a "scrubbing essence" (many of the most wide-spread condition formulas had earlier fame for other purposes), it was made with a base of arnica tincture.  Somewhere along the line it changed into an infusion of whte rose petals.  Since then it has evolved again to call for hydrosol or essential oil.  The other ingredients seem fairly stable and only the element of white roses change.  Of course, I haven't seen a single modern recipe calling for arnica; that aspect seems gone for good.

Water of Notre Dame is the go-to wash for all happy home spells.  It promotes peace and serenity in the home, cleanses, banishes evil, uncrosses, and also summons helpful spirits to come to your aid.

The recipe of Ray Malbrough (and many others, I've discovered) is nothing more than white rose and water, but the recipe I follow is closer to the one given by Judika Illes in her "Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells."  I prefer tinctures to waters because of their longevity and potency.

Water of Notre Dame

To a base of Holy Water, mix in a blended tincture of:
White rose petals
Orange rind
Violet flowers

Add a few drops orange essential oil.
Shake before using.

Enjoy this water in your floorwashes, baths, as part of a spell, on talismans, or as a cologne and feel the peace radiating without and within.


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