Witch Tips--Formulas: Incense to Get Back in Your Magical Groove!

Author: Quill / Labels: ,

So here's the funny thing about having been a spellcaster for nearly 20 years--you lose track of things.  I never thought I'd get to the point where I couldn't quite remember if I'd read a certain book, if I have this or that herb in my collection, or in this case, where a piece of information came from that I really cherish.

Weird, huh?

But there it is, and though it didn't sound likely when I first began, I've come to the point where I simply can't recall every spell I've cast or client I've worked with.  That's one reason that I'm such a pain in the rear to readers, students, friends (and basically every caster I meet) about keeping impeccable records about everything.

So today I'm going to tell you about a formula that I use all the time, works incredibly well, and yet I'm not one-hundred percent sure whom to credit with its creation.  I'll note that at first I thought it was from Cunningham--and his "Incense, Oils and Brews" does indeed have a similar recipe--but it's not quite the same thing.  If you have any idea where this can be found in its original form, I'd love to know so that I can correct not only this post but also my own formulary at home.

But, no matter its source, here's the indispensable incense formula of my practice, Prayer Incense.

Prayer Incense

2 pts. Red Sandalwood
2 pts. Brown Sugar
1/2 to 1 pt. Vanilla extract

Grind the sandalwood in a mortar and pestle until it's flaked and small but not powdered.  Incorporate the brown sugar until it is well mixed.  Sprinkle the extract over this in small amounts (so you don't melt the sugar), stirring between.  You want a slightly wet blend of liquids and solids (comparable to the right mix for making sandcastles at the beach).

Let this sit in the open air until it's dry.  Crumble with your fingers to break into a loose but chunky incense.  Alternately, you can store your formula in a sealed jar right away, leaving it soft and moist.  It will burn equally well either way.

Prayer incense is used for getting your magical life in order, reconnecting with the spirits and your higher self, finding magical ambition and intuition, and generally regaining the magical life that is so easily lost among mundane concerns.  I also like to burn this in my house any time my family life feels off, when there's been arguments or irritation, and when we can't seem to move forward in our goals.  It makes a place feel comfortable, in tune, and ready for the future.  


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